My Export Certificate Program Experience
About the Export Certificate Program
It is important for Iowa companies to export goods and services around the globe to help create jobs for American workers. The Export Certificate Program held June 6 through 8 by the U.S. Commercial Service — Iowa in collaboration with the Greater Des Moines Partnership, focused on export markets, international finance/contracts and export regulations, documentation and procedures.
I decided to attend the Export Program because my employer attended and had a great experience. Since so many things with exporting change frequently, I knew it would be helpful to stay up-to-speed with everything.
Key Program Takeaways
Mind Your Manners
During her presentation, Karen Dunlap from Dunlap International told memorable stories of scenarios that have happened during her 43 years of exporting. She joked that if you don’t mind your manners when it comes to exporting, you may find yourself in trouble with the government. In general, make sure you are following protocol when exporting.
Know the Lingo
At my company, we use Incoterms 2010, which is a standard set of trading terms and conditions designed to assist traders when goods are sold and transported. Karen gave us information as well as tips and tricks to use when using Incoterms 2010 with customers.
Understand the Protocol
Catherine J. Peterson from C.J. Peterson & Associates, LLC, was another speaker at the event. Catherine has more than 30 years of experience in International Trade and spoke of the many trade agreements between the U.S. and other countries, including the fact that some countries require usage of a Certificate of Origin form.
Make Connections
After the program, I emailed the speakers with questions, and they responded to me within the first day. And even after my initial questions were answered, Catherine worked with me to make sure I understood the information. Once the answers were clarified, Catherine even forwarded the answers to all of the seminar attendees so they were all able to understand the helpful information.
Global DSM is a comprehensive global trade and investment plan that outlines specific steps local business, civic, and government leaders can take to leverage exports and foreign direct investment to grow global engagement. This strategy was completed as part of Greater Des Moines’ participation in the Global Cities Initiative, a joint project of Brookings and JPMorgan Chase. Learn more on our Connect Globally page.
Lezlie Wheeler
Lezlie Wheeler has been working at Check-All Valve for 25 years. She has been doing export documentation since she started, looking at the documentation process as a puzzle; you need all the parts to fit in order to ship.