Greater Des Moines Partnership to Conduct COVID-19 Outreach Calls with Local Businesses
GREATER DES MOINES, IA (June 5, 2020) — The Greater Des Moines Partnership and its regional economic development partners will be conducting outreach calls to local employers in coming weeks as part of the region’s business retention and expansion efforts. The purpose of the calls will be to connect with local employers to learn how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their businesses and to identify trends as the economy begins to reopen. The information gathered from these calls will be used to inform future economic development policy and programming to assist with business recovery efforts.
Local economic developers will also be able to provide businesses with timely and accurate information about assistance programs and tools to assist companies during recovery from COVID-19. Businesses will be contacted throughout the entire region which includes: Adair, Dallas, Guthrie, Jasper, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Polk, Poweshiek and Warren counties.
The outreach to local businesses will support the ongoing Business Expansion and Strategic Trends (BEST of Iowa) statewide business retention and expansion program. The program is an existing business collaborative effort between local developers, MidAmerican Energy Company, Alliant Energy, Black Hills Energy, Iowa Area Development Group and the Iowa Economic Development Authority.
The statewide business outreach program will begin in June. Local economic developers will contact employers in their communities to schedule brief virtual meetings or phone conversations.
About the Greater Des Moines Partnership
The Greater Des Moines Partnership is the economic and community development organization that serves Greater Des Moines (DSM), Iowa. Together with 24 Affiliate Chambers of Commerce, more than 6,500 Regional Business Members and more than 365 Investors, The Partnership drives economic growth with one voice, one mission and as one region. Through innovation, strategic planning and global collaboration, The Partnership grows opportunity, helps create jobs and promotes DSM as the best place to build a business, a career and a future. Learn more at