DMDC Preview
Engaging in the legislative process is one of the most important things a business leader can do. No one will tell your story for you, so it is up to the individual to weigh in on key issues and articulate the impact to policymakers directly and consistently.
One Voice in D.C.
The Greater Des Moines Partnership believes strongly in this concept and strives to create opportunities for its members to engage in the legislative process. One of the best ways Greater Des Moines (DSM) residents can engage at a federal level is to participate in the annual DMDC trip. The 2017 trip is May 10 – 12 and it will provide multiple opportunities for members to engage with Congressional members, staffers, thought leaders and policy experts.
Over the past several months, The Partnership has been working with members of its Government Policy Council to identify policy proposals that have the greatest impact on the region.
Policy Proposal Areas
- Agriculture
- Business Climate, Economic Development, Technology, Energy, International Trade, Financial Security and Homeland Security
- Education, Talent Development and Immigration
- Health Care
- Quality of Life
- Sustainable Development
- Transportation and Conservation and Flood Mitigation
In addition to directly lobbying members of Congress and their staffs, participants will have the opportunity to engage in workshops addressing policy areas impacting trade, healthcare, immigration, transportation and infrastructure. These issues have been identified as policy leads of the current Administration and we look forward to a robust conversation with panelists and leaders on the impact these policy areas may have over the next four years.
The Partnership looks forward to its 38th DMDC trip. Making your voice heard at the federal level is crucial to the success of any organization and we hope you take advantage of the opportunity and register today!
Joe Murphy
Joe Murphy is the Executive Director of the Iowa Business Council. In this role, he leads an organization comprised of 20 CEOs and top executives from some of the largest employers in Iowa. The Iowa Business Council serves as a catalyst to elevate Iowa’s long-term economic vitality through global thought leadership, research, and advocacy.