DMDC Communicates Key Priorities in Washington, D.C.
The 44th annual DMDC event, presented by Prairie Meadows and SHAZAM and hosted by the Greater Des Moines Partnership, concluded as a resounding success. Over 175 regional stakeholders, government officials and leaders from Greater Des Moines (DSM) came together to advocate for regional priorities, promote economic development projects and foster collaboration, all while practicing, reinforcing and elevating civility.

DMDC featured a diverse range of programming, including impactful keynote addresses from Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Senator John Thune (R-SD). Attendees also had the opportunity to participate in workshops, interact with the Iowa Congressional Delegation and attend U.S. Chamber Briefings, networking receptions and the World Food Prize Laureate Award Announcement Ceremony. The trip concluded with policy updates and closing remarks from keynote speaker Major Garrett of CBS News.

2023 Federal Legislative Agenda Priorities
This DMDC event marked the launch of The Partnership's 2023 Federal Policy Agenda and advocacy efforts. While each of the policy positions in The Partnership's 2023 Federal Legislative Agenda are important and reflective of the diverse group of Investors and Members, particular focus was given to the following priorities:
Des Moines International Airport Terminal Project
ICON Water Trails
Regional Placemaking
Child Care
Small Business Administration Reauthorization
Immigration Reform
FAFSA Simplification Act
Regional Transportation Projects
Arts, Culture and Heritage Grants
Farm Bill Reauthorization
You can read more about the 2023 Federal Policy Agenda priorities here.

While the DMDC 2023 trip has come to a close, the Greater Des Moines Partnership recognizes that ongoing efforts are crucial for advancing our shared policy priorities. Business, civic and community leaders are encouraged to continue advocating and sharing personal stories related to the region's priorities to maintain the momentum gained during DMDC. The Partnership's government relations team will continue to actively engage with the federal delegation and relevant agencies in the coming months to ensure that the region's priorities remain a priority throughout the 118th Congress.

To actively participate in the advocacy process, please visit The Partnership's public policy page and subscribe to the Government Policy Council newsletter to receive regular updates. In the coming weeks and months, there will be multiple opportunities to engage in policy discussions, and we’d welcome your assistance.
I’d encourage you to also mark your calendars for DMDC 2024, which is tentatively scheduled for May 8-10, 2024. The Partnership invites all interested parties to consider joining them next year for another impactful event where regional stakeholders can come together, advocate for their priorities and contribute to the continued growth and prosperity of DSM. Your participation will ensure our collective voice continues to be heard among key decision makers in Washington, D.C.
The Partnership's Public Policy team engages with local, state and federal officials to create public policy that generates economic growth, business prosperity and talent development in Greater Des Moines (DSM). The Partnership is a nonpartisan organization.
Robert Haus
Robert Haus is Director of Government & Industry Affairs at Corteva Agriscience.