Disability: Part of the Equity Equation
Iowa Vocational Rehabilitations Services (IVRS) will host the webinar “Creating an Inclusive Workplace” during National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) later this month. Attend this free online event at 2 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 24 to celebrate the employment of people with disabilities in the workplace with the 2022 theme of the event, Disability: Part of the Equity Equation.
Event Details
Hannah Soyer, will speak at the event, highlighting her story of disability justice and navigating her own employment. A business panel will then discuss best practices in hiring people with disabilities and working with accommodations. The panel will include leadership from the following Greater Des Moines (DSM) organizations:
- Hawkeye Molding
- University of Dubuque
- MercyOne
Iowa State University Dining Hall
- American Athletic – Spalding
Hiring Employees with Disabilities
DSM employers often reach out to IVRS about workforce challenges. To fill open positions, employers must be creative and look at different ways of hiring. Webinar panelists will discuss these opportunities, including externships, inclusive job descriptions and training. Hiring a person with a disability isn’t enough on its own. The workforce must also understand the long-term benefits of a diverse business.
Join the more than 80 people who are already signed up to learn more. Contact information for each of the panelists will be available following the event so you can take action and implement next steps at your own organization. A recording will also be made available following the event that is fully accessible with closed captioning, while interpreters will provide sign language at the event.
Learn more about NDEAM resources here.
Greater Des Moines (DSM) welcomes diverse talent to the region. As one of the fastest growing business communities, inclusion and attracting diverse talent in the workplace is a key strategy of the Greater Des Moines Partnership. Learn more here.
Michelle Krefft
Michelle Krefft is Community and Business Engagement Director at Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation.