Apply Now for the 2022 Scale DSM Minority Business Accelerator
For minority entrepreneurs looking to propel their business to the next level, the Greater Des Moines Partnership, in partnership with Interise, is offering a seven-month long accelerator called the Scale DSM Minority Business Accelerator. The accelerator will help business owners gain access to networks and knowledge that will help them increase their revenue and add jobs to the local community. Participants will be required to attend one session every other week on five module topics:
Business + Strategic Assessment
- Financial management
- Sales + Marketing
- Talent + Capital Resources
- Strategic Growth Action Plan
Apply Now
The first Scale DSM cohort will take part in the accelerator from Tuesday, June 14 until Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022. The program is tuition free and dedicated to assisting minority-owned small businesses to help continue to sustain growth across Greater Des Moines (DSM). Applicants must be:
Minority-owned business
- $150,000 – $4 million in annual revenues
- One other full-time employee besides the owner(s)
- Been in business for at least two years
- Willingness and ability to attend class for seven months, complete mandatory assignments and complete program surveys, up to three years following the program
The application deadline for the 2022 Scale DSM program is Sunday, May 8. The application asks for business information including a description of the business, founding date, number of employees, annual revenue and plans for the future. It should take around 20 minutes to complete. If interested in applying, click here.
For more information, contact me at or find more information at
Looking for tools to help grow your startup or small business? Visit the Small Business Resources Hub to find the information you need or sign up for Mentor Connection to build relationships with a trusted group of mentors.
Greater Des Moines (DSM) welcomes diverse talent to the region. As one of the fastest growing business communities, inclusion and attracting diverse talent in the workplace is a key strategy of the Greater Des Moines Partnership. Learn more here.
Juan Pablo Sanchez
Juan Pablo Sanchez is the Director of Inclusive Business Strategies at the Greater Des Moines Partnership. Sanchez facilitates programs that advance small businesses including the Scale DSM Business Accelerator. Sanchez leads The Partnership's supplier development initiatives and connects small business owners of all backgrounds.