Site at a Glance
Site Name: Altoona - Koethe North
Zoning: M-1 Limited Industrial, M-2 Heavy Industrial
Site Designation: DSM RFI Ready
Water Infrastructure: Yes
Wastewater Infrastructure: Yes
Electric Infrastructure: Yes
Natural Gas Infrastructure: No
Transportation Infrastructure: Distance to 4-Lane Highway: 0.25 miles
Distance to Interstate: 1.25 miles
Nearest Major Air Hub + Travel Time: Des Moines International Airport (Travel Time: 25 minutes)
Site Information
Situated at 6400 NE 64th Street, the Altoona Koethe North location is not only on the outskirts of Altoona but sits just 15 miles northeast of Downtown Des Moines (DSM). Used as a planting ground for decades, the 335 acres of land is ready for development. Primarily zoned for both limited- and heavy-industrial usage, the site is surrounded by a mixture of agricultural land, residential properties, business parks and warehousing. Any new development in this area will find good company, with a large Meta (Facebook) data center campus adjacent to the property and a major Amazon warehouse and fulfillment facility nearby.
The site has quick access to four-lane highways, as well as proximity within 2 miles of Interstate 80 and 10 miles of Interstate and within five miles of Interstate 35. Within a 25-minute drive, the Des Moines International Airport is the major commercial air service for the region. The site is also less than 10 minutes (away from the Ankeny Regional Airport, which provides support to executive and corporate travel and freight operations. Water and wastewater are ready for connection, with access provided by the City of Altoona. Electricity is available on-location, and the nearest natural gas main is within a quarter mile — both supplied by MidAmerican Energy Company.
Request Information
Greater Des Moines (DSM) boasts a strong business climate, and businesses looking to grow here can pursue several incentive opportunities such as the Industrial Tax Abatement and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) programs, as well as State of Iowa incentives for companies positively impacting job creation and job training.
DSM is where big things are happening. With an efficient and capable workforce, you’ll find 57,500+ manufacturing workers available in the laborshed (Iowa Workforce Development), with a labor force participation rate of 71.3% and 39.6% with bachelor’s degree or higher (JobsEQ). Named the #1 Place for Young Professionals to Live by Forbes in 2023, and with a cost of doing business 12% lower than the national average, it's easy to see why companies are choosing to do something greater here.
About DSM RFI Ready
DSM RFI Ready sites meet rigorous documentation requirements and have been evaluated by economic development practitioners to ensure site selection consultants and corporate real estate executives can readily access the data needed to drive decisions.
Greater Growth Starts Here
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Sid Juwarker | Vice President of Economic Development
(515) 286-4964