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2023 Affiliate Chamber Spotlight: Adel Partners Chamber

Adel Chamber 2023

June 15, 2023

Chamber Name + Website

Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce

Elected leader for 2023

Jason Urban, Chair

Professional Staff Leader of the Chamber

Deb Bengtson, President

Number of Members

215 Members

How Does a Business Join Your Chamber?

Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce offers eight membership levels reflecting the diverse needs of our partners' investment capabilities. Whether you are a Community Booster member or an Executive member, anyone in the community can be actively involved and engage with the Chamber. We have made it easy for any business to join our Chamber. For a more personal experience to join, it is as simple as a phone call. We have also made it equally simple to become a member through a webpage application on the Adel Partners Chamber website, adelpartners.org.

What Inspired You to First Get Involved with Your Chamber?

My inspiration for joining the Chamber was very nostalgic in nature. My hometown Chamber in Cherokee, Iowa was — and is still — instrumental in helping promote community events that I recall attending, and the various businesses that my family and friends would patronize. I can still remember many of those business names, the products and services they provided, and the names and faces of the people that supported and were involved in them. For me, becoming an Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce member was one of the first things I was compelled to do once I started a business in the community. I never once considered why I should not be a member, and I have not once regretted the decision to continue supporting my community and other businesses and organizations in being a member. That exposure, connectivity and opportunities to participate in the community, coupled with the growth and success of my business are a testimonial to that decision.

Adel, Iowa

What is a Signature Offering of Your Chamber?

The Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce provides business exposure, connects members to important community issues and provides unique opportunities for individuals and businesses to make a difference. As the leading local advocate for business, the Chamber helps create a climate of growth and success in which all companies — regardless of size or industry — can prosper.

What is Your Chamber’s Biggest Accomplishment in the Past 12 Months?

The Chamber has numerous ways for its members to connect and engage with initiatives in and around our community, and many ways for our members to connect through, working, living and playing in the community. Our accomplishments are too numerous to mention; we have held several ribbon cuttings and events to promote the successes of new and existing businesses in the Adel area as we grow, we have volunteers that help with various projects in our community, and we have several committees focused on future initiatives that are of an ongoing nature. But in April, Adel Partners celebrated a culmination of the offerings and achievements of our members at the Celebrate Adel event held at one of our local event venues. Our businesses were able to network, socialize and enjoy some of the various flavors and food offerings of some of our members, while reflecting on accomplishments from the prior year. Later in the evening we recognized some of those specific efforts of our members from the past year, and the evenings program concluded with a recognition of both Citizen of the Year and Business of the Year.

What Initiative/Project Are You Looking Forward to in the Upcoming Year?

The Adel Partners Chamber is incredibly pleased to be partnering with the Raccoon River Valley Trail Association to host community visioning with every community on the RRVT. This will help us maintain one of Iowa’s Great Places distinctions for the next 10 years.

What Are Your Upcoming Events?

Adel Partners have numerous events scheduled for the remainder of the year. Our largest, the Adel Sweet Corn Festival is the signature event for the Chamber. This year is the 44th in series, and will be held on Saturday, August 12, 2023. This family-friendly festival actually begins the night before with sweet corn shucking — performed by anyone that wants to volunteer — and the Sweet Corn Princess Pageant. Then on Saturday, activities commence with a 5K run/walk, followed by Dallas County’s biggest parade, a bags tournament, car show, food and craft vendors, free entertainment with fun for the kids, and concludes with a street party that evening. And, in case it did not get mentioned — fresh, fantastic and FREE sweet corn! The Chamber will also have a Hometown Holiday Celebration in December that includes a Sip and Sample hosted by various businesses, tree lighting on the Courthouse Square and a visit from Santa for kids of all ages. Please check out our calendar for other events and schedule your visit to Adel!

The Greater Des Moines Partnership is the fourth largest regional Chamber of Commerce in the nation. Learn more about Partnership Affiliate Chambers, browse the Membership Directory and read additional Affiliate Chamber spotlights.

Jason Urban

Owner of Raccoon River Rental, a growing, local equipment rental business based in Adel and De Soto. Founded in 2008, the family-owned and operated business has been serving the community and area with a diverse product line and services as defined by the needs of its customers.
