Safe & Hospitable
Operation Downtown is proud to help maintain DSM's status as one of the friendliest urban areas in the country. Thanks to our ambassadors and off-duty officers, DSM consistently ranks as one of the safest places to live and work.

Operation Downtown Ambassadors work to maintain a safe environment for the residents, workers and guests of Downtown Des Moines (DSM). They are the eyes and ears on the street. They also work to assist local law enforcement to reduce panhandling and help connect people to social services. In addition to these duties, ambassadors escort city visitors and help clear the corners of ice and snow. The Operation Downtown Ambassadors are proud to assist the public with whatever it is they need. From providing information and directions to giving friendly advice and local assistance, they’re ready to go the extra mile for Downtown DSM.
Off-Duty Officers
Operation Downtown also employs off-duty officers to run foot and bicycle patrols several days a week. The partnership between Operation Downtown and DMPD continues to grow each year, and the two organizations are committed to maintaining a strong relationship to have a positive impact on Downtown DSM. Through the partnership, they address quality of life crimes like panhandling. These officers are an integral part of Operation Downtown. This helps keep Downtown DSM a safe place where people can work, play and live.