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Small Business Success Summit

Local and small business owners, entrepreneurs and startups are invited to join the Greater Des Moines Partnership for the 7th Annual Small Business Success Summit on Monday, June 10 at the FFA Enrichment Center in Ankeny. Summit participants will have a chance to hear keynote speaker Karin Hurt, participate in workshops with fellow business owners from Greater Des Moines (DSM) and engage in in-depth conversations at various breakout sessions. 

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Summit participants will have a chance to hear keynote speaker Karin Hurt, participate in workshops with fellow business owners from Greater Des Moines (DSM) and engage in in-depth conversations at various breakout sessions. 

Keynote Speaker

headshot of Adam Davidson

This year's featured keynote is Karin Hurt, the Founder and CEO of Let’s Grow Leaders, a global leadership development firm known for practical tools and techniques for human-centered leaders from clients. A former Verizon Wireless executive with more than two decades of experience in sales, customer service and human resources, Hurt is known for growing courageous leaders, building great cultures and inspiring high-performance teams.

Since 2013, Hurt and her husband, David have grown tens of thousands of leaders on every continent (except Antarctica) with their leadership development programs and keynotes. They also provide clean water to the people of Cambodia through their Winning Wells philanthropic initiative. 

Other confirmed speakers during The Summit are: 

  • Joey Beech, Owner of Financial Fit Lady 
  • Paul Burke, Executive Advisor and Leadership Coach 
  • Alexson Calahan, owner of Small Adventures Communications 
  • Brian Cotty, Managing Director with HDH Advisors, LLC 
  • Amber Ferrie, Partner/Private Equity Industry Leader with Eide Bailly LLP 
  • Chad Greenlee, Business Advisor with Creative Planning 
  • Cassandra Halls, Founder of 2 The Top 
  • Loraine Harden, President of Hardin & Associates  
  • Christy Jones, Business Coach with SCORE 
  • Mark Juffernbruch, Director of Classes and Coaching with The Iowa Center 
  • Jane Nady, Visionary Owner of Imperfect Pathways 

For more information or to inquire about future sponsorships, please contact Emily McLain Regional Affiliates and Member Support Manager.

2024 Small Business Success Summit Sponsors

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

connectifyhr Logo CSB Logo Mediacom Logo Two Rivers Bank Logo

Bronze Sponsors

Ankeny Logo IEDA logo IowaJPC Logo
Health Partners Logo Sammons Financial Group Logo

Nonprofit and Community Partners

Ankeny Logo Bioconnect logo Ciras logo EO Iowa logo
1000 small business Innoventure logo maple studios logo Nawbo logo
myriadas logo Score Logo

Hospitality Sponsors

Purpose Bank, Myraid Advisor