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DSM Employment Ready with Deidra Meyer

Deidra Meyer Employment Podcast

June 5, 2020


Deidra Meyer is an employee owner and IT recruiter at the Palmer Group, an employment agency with locations in Greater Des Moines (DSM) and Cedar Rapids. The Palmer Group offers employment data for the DSM market and works to connect potential employees with hiring employers. In the latest Employment Ready podcast, Deidra offers her thoughts on growth and continuous learning.

Living Out Your Personal Purpose

How well are you doing living out your personal purpose each day? Deidra explains that we each have an opportunity to improve ourselves through small changes and improvements each day. To identify the issue that we want to improve and have success, Deidra says to put 1%, or 14 minutes a day, towards your goal. By improving just 1% per day, you’ll end up improving by 37% in a year. Small changes add up to big changes over time.

Lifelong Learning

Deidra highlights the importance of lifelong learning, the ongoing and self-motivated attempt for knowledge. Lifelong learning is responsible for the following:

·       Personal Development

·       Self-sustainability

·       Competitiveness

·       Social Inclusion

·       Active Citizenship

·       Employability


To hold yourself accountable to both personal and professional goals, Deidre also suggests telling a friend. Other ideas are to write down your goals and track your progress through a journal or some other means.

Personal Growth Tips

1. Do more of what is already working, and be consistent with that.

Deidre says that it’s good to not only create a to-do list, but also a to-be list. Think about what sort of day you will decide to have. Will you be energetic? Kind? Caring? Controlling your attitude helps you control your day. Exercise and movement are good for your body, and can also help you focus on things that are working. Find 15 minutes/day to move your body. Finally, reflect daily on your actions and feelings. Identify changes to make for the next day.

2. Set aside time for passion projects.

Incorporate your passions into your everyday life. By intentionally scheduling this time, your quality of life will improve. Deidre encourages everyone to make time for personal growth by doing what it is you’re passionate about.

Professional Growth Tips

Continuous learning in the workplace includes regularly upgrading skills and increasing knowledge. Continuous learners are flexible and accepting of change, adapting to it in order to move ahead. To help you grow professionally, consider the following:

·       Seek out a mentor or become a mentor yourself.

·       Take a course or learn a new skill.

Everyone is capable of continuous learning. Deidra says the opposite of a fixed mindset, or the idea that you’ve either got it or you don’t, is a growth mindset. The growth mindset is learned, allowing for action steps that you can take each day. It’s about effort, not talent. If you put in the time and work, you will see progress.

Listen to the entire podcast:  Des Moines Employment Ready Podcast — Deidra Meyer

The DSM Employment Ready podcast is brought to you by the Greater Des Moines Partnership. The podcast features insight into employment in Greater Des Moines (DSM) during the COVID-19 crisis. To listen to more Partnership podcasts, click here.

The DSM Employment Ready podcast series has concluded. For more talent development information and conversations, visit the Future Ready DSM podcast.
DSM Employment Ready

The DSM Employment Ready podcast is designed to help the Greater Des Moines (DSM) workforce learn tools, tips and techniques to increase employability value and become the employee they want to be. The series will help employees find resources to improve their talent skillset and competencies. The DSM Employment Ready podcast series has concluded. For more talent development information and conversations, visit the Future Ready DSM podcast.